Model 2100,2080,2000 Ver.14.0
Keeping your water clean & safe
TEST: Bromine/Chlorine PH Total Alkalinity
ADJUST: Follow steps 1-4
ADD: stain and Scale control
TEST: Bromine/Chlorine PH Total Alkalinity
ADJUST: Follow steps 1-3
STEP#1: Adjust total alkalinity: (ideal range = 130-160). Test water (follow directions on manufacturer’s label)
and add required amount of chemicals with jets on. Wait 30 minutes before running additional tests.
STEP#2: Adjust PH: (ideal range = 7.4-7.6). Test water (follow directions on manufacturer’s label) and add
required amount of chemicals with jets on.
STEP#3: Adjust bromine/chlorine: (ideal range = 3-5ppm or 4-6ppm for heavy usage for bromine and 1-3 ppm
for chlorine). Fill bromine floater or adjustable feeder and shock spa as necessary.
STEP#4: Stain and scale control – Add required amount each week (with jets on).
Note: The chemical chart above is a simple schedule for moderate spa use. Depending on the user load and
frequency of use, more frequent chemical balancing may be required.