IPv6 is a newer numbering system that provides a much larger address pool
than IPv4, which accounts for most of today’s Internet traffic. You can manually
key-in IPv6 address, enable DHCPv6, and use automatically
generated IPv6 address simultaneously.
(i) Manually setup the IPv6 address: Key-in Address, Gateway, and DNS.
(ii) DHCPv6: If you have a DHCPv6 server, enable it to assign the IPv6
automatically. The assigned IP address will be displayed beside the column.
(iii) Automatically generated IPv6 Address: Here indicates a virtual IPv6 address
generated automatically by IP camera. This virtual IPv6 address cannot use on
To use IPv6 address to access the IP camera, please open the web browser,
and key-in [IPv6 address] in address bar. The [ ] parentheses mark is necessary.