8.4 Not powering up
1. Check the power supply for your IPmitter > The 48V PoE needs to be connected
to the WAN/ PoE Ethernet socket.
2. If you using the 2.1mm DC Socket then check the DC Socket is properly plugged
into the IPmitter and powered.
8.5 Poor image quality or streaming speed
1. Check if the WiFi channel set on the IPmitter > If there are devices using the same
channels (Like a Router) then change the channel on the IPmitters.
2. Check the bandwidth which the IPmitter has available > Please note some video
streaming devices like IP Cameras can use a considerable amount of bandwidth
and data speed.
3. Move the IPmitter away from other WiFi devices > This should reduce the
interference and help provide a more stable transmission between the IPmitters.
8.6 Issues with Internet data pass through
Check the "Pass through" option in the IPmitter web interface is turned on;
1. Go to the browser interface of the Client (repeater).
2. Go to WiFi > Repeater Settings
3. Enable Pass through.