Configuring Your Telephone (cont.)
If DHCP is not selected, your page looks something like this:
Network Setup
IP Address
[ ]
N e t m a s k
[ ]
Domain Name
Primary DNS Server
Secondary DNS Server
Tertiary DNS Server
TFTP Config Server
[ Commit ]
[ Restore defaults ]
The factory defaults for the other fields are
a network address of,
a network mask of,
a gateway address of,
domain name not specified,
DNS servers not specified, and
TFTP server not specified.
Except for the TFTP-server field, these fields have the same meaning as the network
settings for other network devices and operating systems. The values for these fields
are supplied by your service provider or network administrator.
The TFTP-server field contains the address of the TFTP server from which your
telephone downloads configurations via its optional auto-config feature. Note that this
is not where the address of the TFTP server from which your telephone downloads
software upgrades is specified (see the appendix, Updating the Software).
Make any changes you need and then click the button to commit your changes. Your
changes only take effect when you commit and then confirm your changes.
There is also a button that you can click to restore the factory default of using DHCP.