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b. Running stably at low speed with super lower noise. Pictures have no shaking.
c. Automatic 180º
flip and panoramic monitoring without blind point, the location
precision up to ±0.1°.
High Intelligent Degree
As much as 25
preset positions can be preset with powerless memory.
The camera can scan horizontally between two points and scan speed can be modified.
The positions of linear scan are optional and the dome camera can scan the range
larger or smaller than 180° between any two points with adjustable speed;
c. Proportional pan function. The speed dome will depend on the amount of zoom. At
telephoto zoom settings, the pan and tilt speeds will be slower for a given amount of
joystick deflection than at wide zoom settings. This keeps the image from moving too
fast on the monitor when there is a large amount of zoom. This slowing does not
happen when going to a preset, but does occur in turbo mode when high zoom is
selected. The minimum pan and tilt speeds are 0.1 degree per second at full zoom.
d. The Integrated Protocol-D. Communication protocols are integrated inside the dome
camera with selectable baud rate from
2400 bps to 19200 bps.
Setup of Dome Camera
Connection of the system
Address/Protocol Code
Before installing, please ensure the control communications and baud rates of the dome systems, then setup
the dome SW2 code as the same as the system,SW1 is
used to set address of the dome camera,
SW2 is used to set the protocol of communication and the baud rate used by the dome camera.
And the code switch as Figure 1 shows.