Optidrive HVAC User Guide V2.00
Parameter Name
P0-29 Drive Type
Displays the type details of the drive: Three entry display:
First display = Frame size and input voltage level
Second display = Power rating
Third display = Output Phase Count
P0-30 Serial Number
Displays the unique serial number of the drive. Dual entry display:
First display = Serial number (MSB), Second display = Serial number (LMSB)
P0-31 Run Time Since Date of Manufacturer
Two entry display: First display shows hours. Second display shows minutes and seconds
Displays the total operating time of the drive.
P0-32 Run Time Since Last Trip 1
Two entry display: First display shows hours. Second display shows minutes and seconds
Displays the total operating time of the drive since the last fault occurred. Run-time clock stopped by drive disable (or trip), reset
on next enable only if a trip occurred. Reset also on next enable after a drive power down.
P0-33 Run Time Since Last Trip 2
Two entry display: First display shows hours. Second display shows minutes and seconds
Displays the total operating time of the drive since the last fault occurred. Run-time clock stopped by drive disable (or trip), reset
on next enable only if a trip occurred (under-volts not considered a trip) – not reset by power down / power up cycling unless a
trip occurred prior to power down.
P0-34 Run Time Since Last Disable
Two entry display: First display shows hours. Second display shows minutes and seconds
Displays the total operating time of the drive since the last Run command was received.
P0-35 Fan Run Time
Displays the total operating time of the Optidrive internal cooling fans.
Two entry display: First display shows user resettable time (reset with P6-22). Second display shows none resettable time.
This is used for scheduled maintenance information
P0-36 DC Bus Voltage Log (256ms)
Diagnostic log for DC bus voltage. Values logged every 256mS with 8 samples total. Logging suspended on drive trip.
P0-37 DC Bus Voltage Ripple Log (20ms)
Diagnostic log for DC bus voltage ripple. Values logged every 20mS with 8 samples total. Logging suspended on drive trip.
P0-38 Heatsink Temperature Log (30s)
Diagnostic log for heatsink temperature. Values logged every 30S with 8 samples total. Logging suspended on drive trip.
P0-39 Ambient Temperature Log (30s)
Diagnostic log for drive ambient temperature. Values logged every 30S with 8 samples total. Logging suspended on drive trip.
P0-40 Motor Current Log (256ms)
Diagnostic log for Motor Current. Values logged every 256mS with 8 samples total. Logging suspended on drive trip.
The above parameters (P0-36 to P0-40) are used to store the history of various measured levels within the drive at various regular
time intervals prior to a trip. The values are frozen when a fault occurs and can be used for diagnostic purposes.
P0-41 Over Current Fault Counter
P0-42 Over Voltage Fault Counter
P0-43 Under Voltage Fault Counter
P0-44 Heatsink Over Temperature Fault Counter
P0-45 Brake Chopper Short Circuit Fault Counter
P0-46 Ambient Over Temperature Fault Counter
These parameters (P0-41 to P0-46) contain a record of how many times certain critical faults have occurred during a drives
operating lifetime. This provides useful diagnostic data
P0-47 I/O comms fault counter
Displays the number of communication errors detected by the I/O processor in messages received from the power stage
processor since the last power up
P0-48 DSP comms fault counter
Displays the number of communication errors detected by the Power Stage processor in messages received from the I/O
processor since the last power up
P0-49 Modbus RTU / BACnet Fault Counter
This parameter is incremented every time an error occurs on the Modbus RTU communication link. This information can be used
for diagnostic purposes.