5.3 Network Connection of Reader
5.3.1 Network Connection (Linux System)
Connect the installed reader to the network, as shown in Figure 5.3.1 below. The
reader network supports both static and DHCP modes. The factory default is
DHCP mode, and there are two options in this mode.
If the current network supports DHCP, the reader can be directly connected
to the Ethernet network. After the reader is started, the network will automatically
assign the corresponding IP address to the reader. At this time, the reader can be
connected to communicate through the assigned IP address.
If the current network does not support DHCP, the reader can be set to the
static mode and to the IP address under the same network segment. At this time,
the reader can be connected to communicate through the set IP address. For
details, see Part I of “System Settings” in 5.1.
Figure 5.1 Ethernet Connection Diagram
In the process of using the reader, if you do not know the IP address, how can
you easily and quickly obtain the IP address?