3G Storm Series® Wheelchairs
Part No 1134791
After ANY adjustments, repair or service and BEFORE use, make sure all attaching
hardware is tightened securely - otherwise injury or damage may result.
NEVER operate the wheelchair while in any recline position over 105°
relative to the
seat frame. If the limit switch does not stop the wheelchair from operating in a
recline position greater than 105°
relative to the seat frame, DO NOT operate the
wheelchair. Have the limit switch adjusted by a qualified technician.
Both gas cylinders MUST be operational and adjusted properly BEFORE using the
recliner. DO NOT operate the recliner option if only one of the gas cylinders is
operational or adjusted properly.
When using the recliner option, the motor/gearbox or motor MUST be mounted to
the MOST rearward mounting holes on the suspension arm assembly.
Make sure the occupant of the wheelchair is properly positioned.
When returning the occupant of the wheelchair to the full upright position, more
body strength will be required for approximately the last twenty degrees of incline
(reverse recline). Make sure to use proper body mechanics (use your legs) or seek
assistance if necessary to avoid injury.
Recliner Operation
NOTE: For this procedure, refer to FIGURE 14.1.
1. Make sure the wheelchair is on a level surface.
2. Inform the occupant of the wheelchair that the wheelchair is about to be reclined.
3. Stand behind the wheelchair and grasp
both back canes firmly.
4. Pull up on the handles of the recliner cable
assemblies to release the gas cylinders.
5. Slowly, push down on the back canes
while squeezing the handles of the
recliner cable assemblies in a
continuous motion.
6. When the back reaches the desired
angle, slowly let go of the handles of
the recliner cable assemblies.
7. To return the back to the full upright
position, reverse the above steps keeping
in mind proper body mechanics.
Recliner Operation
Top Portion of
Wheelchair Frame
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