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(19PO)  AP619D ELECTRIC PUMP  ENGLISH  4.875” X 7.25”  04/30/2020



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  Air leakage 

  between internal air 

  pump and the pump 

  holder frame

•  Pump not securely 


•  Pump O-ring is 


•  Internal airbed 

   beam threads are 

   caught between 

   the internal air 

   pump and the pump 

   holder frame.

•  Pump O-ring is 

   twisted and/or 


•  While holding the pump outer rim, push in and 

    turn the pump fully clockwise until the two side 

    tabs lock into place. 

•  Remove the pump from the airbed, remove the 

   O-ring from the pump and clean it with water. 

   Carefully replace the O-ring back to the pump 

   as to prevent dust, lint from sticking onto the 

   O-ring again. Also make sure the pump holder 

   frame inner wall is free from dust, hair or lint.

•  Remove the internal air pump and carefully 

   replace the pump back making sure the 

   internal airbed beam threads are away from 

   the pump holder frame.

•  Remove the pump from the airbed, make sure 

   the O-ring is not damaged and/or twisted. 

   Realign the O-ring or replace a new O-ring. 

   Contact Intex service center for replacement.


Air pump does not 


•  Not connected to 

   an electrical outlet 


•  Pump motor  



•  Internal air pump 


•  Make sure the pump is plugged into the correct   

   power outlet, then switch on the pump and turn    

   the valve control dial fully clockwise to the 

   inflation position.


Switch off and disconnect the line cord from the 

   power outlet, let the pump rest for more than 30 

   minutes before resume the use of the pump.

•  Remove the 

internal air pump from the airbed 

   and keep the airbed in a safe place. Contact 

   Intex service center for an internal air pump 


  Pump motor is 

  running but airbed 

  is not inflating or 


•  The inflation or 

   deflation mode is 

   not set yet.


Press “I” to switch on the pump and make sure 

   there is air flowing. Then turn the valve control 

   dial fully clockwise until it stops to inflate the 

   airbed. Or turn the valve control dial fully 

   counterclockwise until it stops to deflate the airbed.

  After inflation air is 

  escaping through 

  the pump air 

  passage or through 

  the manual inflation 


•  The pump air 

   passage is not 

   completely closed.

•  Th

e manual 

   inflation port cap is 

   not securely closed.

•  Make sure the air passage is closed by turning 

   the valve control dial to the center position.

•  Push the cap firmly into the 

manual inflation 


