15J. Update Interval:
Select the "me between updates to the display from .1 sec to 1 hour.
Error and Warning Level Se
15K. Light Stack Se8ng:
SeKngs for light stack will determine when the
screen turns Red, Yellow, and Green.
Trigger Type: There are three available triggers to ini"ate a change in
the indicator color.
Not used: An error will appear if light stack is selected when not
used is applied.
Low: Used when a reduc"on in light output causes an error, ie
phototherapy, under cure of product, Display tes"ng, QC.
High: Used when an increase in light output could cause an error. Ie
op"cal hazard, over curing, photodegrada"on, LED lamps QC.
Range: For when a rise or fall of light level can be problema"c. IE
binning of LED's, lamp QC.
Warning Level: Threshold for turning the display Yellow
Error Level: Threshold for turning the display Red.
Set up error messages:
1. The target/warning /error levels need to be numbers.
2. For Low trigger, the error level must be less than the Warning level
ie. target is 1 mW/cm2 or higher (1e-3), a warning level (5e-4) (display turns yellow) when the light
level decreases to .5mW/cm2(5e-4) or less, and an Error Level (8e-5) (Display turns red) will occur
when the light falls below .08 mW/cm2(8e-5)
3. For High and Range, the error level must be greater than the warning level.
Ie target is 1 mW/cm2 (1e-3) the warning must be larger than 1e-3 ie 3e-3 or 3 mW and the error
must be larger than the warning and target ie .5 mW/cm2.
Other Se
15L. Start-Up App:
Allows the user to change the display style from the default “Home screen” to
Meter, Trend, Cloak, Survey or Light stack each "me the device turns on.
15M. Use Scien fic Nota on: ON / OFF
Allows the user change the readout display from the default
of Scien"fic Nota"on On to using decimal places with Scien"fic Nota"on off. Ie. 1.06e-3 W/cm2
becomes .001 W/cm2, and 2e+2 lux becomes 200 lux.
Note. The Display on the ILT2400 allows up to 3 digits a er the decimal place. When using scien"fic
nota"on on, the device can display readings as low as e-13 with two decimal places, ie 6.23e-13.
When scien"fic nota"on is off, it is not possible to display low values such as .000000000000623.
In order to allow the display to show values that are smaller, the calibra"on factor must be adjusted to
include a the proper prefix (ie pico, nano, micro) and the exponent will need to be changed to the
proper range. For help understanding scien"fic nota"on: see chart on page 14.
Example: SED100/K15 has a cal factor of 4.96 e-1 for readout in Wa*s with a measurement range of
2-100 uW (.000002 to .0001). .000002 to .0001 cannot be displayed with scien"fic nota"on turned
off. If the calibra"on factor is changed so the units are µW(1e-6) in place of W (1e+0) the calibra"on
factor 4.96 e-1 W becomes 4.96e-7 uW, and the measurement range is changed from .000002 - .0001
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