22A. Set Up Procedure:
Allow the computer to assign a com port and install FTDI drivers, as needed.
Device drivers are located in C, Program Files, Interna"onal Light Technologies, ILTdevice So ware
Suite, FTDI folder. To install drivers double click driver CDM…..exe
Once your ILT device is ready for use, double click on the Trend Applica"on Icon(or any of the ILT apps)
in the datalight folder on the desk top to open the so ware. You should see a note that says loca"ng
and ini"alizing devices. Trend detects and displays the data for the first device found. If no devices are
available an error message will appear advising you to connect your device and the so ware will close.
(Assure the ILT2400 power bu*on is in the ON and the USB charging light is on indica"ng a good USB
So ware manuals for all of the Datalight II applica"ons can be found on the ILT website:
h+p://www.intl-ligh+ech.com/support/manuals-documenta on
for addi"onal advise on using the ILT2400 with any of the Datalight apps. Please refer to the
corresponding manual. Ie. download the trend manual to learn more about trend.
23. Care and Handling:
The ILT2400 internal board is a sensi"ve electronic device. Due to risk of board damage, only trained
personnel should a*empt opening the housing on the ILT2400. Opening the ILT2400 by non-ILT
personnel voids all warran"es and may adversely affect the calibra"on of the meter.
Always store the meter in the carrying case when not in use and always ship in the hard plas"c
carrying case with protec"ve packing to prevent shock and damage. No items should be place above
or under the meter inside the carrying case. Do not expose meter to, strong levels of UV, direct
sunlight or high heat sources as the internal temperature can rapidly increase and cause erroneous
readings and damage. Do not apply any force to the display. Do not apply pressure to the meter when
the stand is in use.
23A Opera ng Temperature:
0-40°C. ILT meters and sensors have a recommended opera"ng range
of 0 to 40°C to assure the accuracy of the calibrated measurements.
23B Humidity:
0-95% non-condensing.
23C ESD:
Use basic ESD precau"ons and prac"ces when handling the device. It is advisable to
discharge any sta"c buildup by touching a grounded conduc"ve surface before making contact with
devices or its connectors.
23D Cleaning:
No chemicals or liquid solu"on should be used to clean the ILT2400 housing. The
ILT2400 housing does not provide a sealed barrier to protect the internal components from moisture.
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