International Gas Detectors Ltd T: +44(0)161 483 1415
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Fig.8 Fig.9
1. Move the cursor to set and press "
" to
enter set interface, input four passwords, as
shown in Figure 8, the user can press "
" to
move the cursor, input the password by
key, sensor parameters as shown in Figure 9.
Fig.10 Fig.11
2. Gas parameters setting
Parameter settings include; unit select, high
alarm and low alarm. As an example with Ex,
as shown in Figure 10, use the
key to
select the gas type (Ex), press the to enter
Ex gas parameter settings, [as shown in Figure
11], use the
key to modify the parameter,
after done, press the return.
If no special requirements, alarm value
parameters should not be modified.
Fig. 12
3. Zero Calibration
In the menu function interface, select the Zero,
" key to enter the password interface
shown in Figure 12, input the correct
password, the same need to select the zero
gas type, still with Ex as an example shown in
Figure 13, Press the "
" key to move the
cursor, use the
key to modify the zero