Intermec EasyCoder 501 – Service Manual Ed. 7
Chapter 25 Test Mode
25.4 EasyCoder 501 E,
SA, & LL
The full Test Mode works in EasyCoder 501 E, 501 SA, and 501
However, when entering the Test Mode in an EasyCoder 501 SA
printer, the Stand-Alone autoexec-fi le that defi nes the alphanu-
meric keyboard is bypassed. Thus, the fi rmware “believes” the
printer to be an EasyCoder 501 E, and reads the keys whose physi-
cal location correspond to an EasyCoder 501 E regardless how the
keys are labelled.
The full Test Mode contains the following functions:
• Printing of fi ve different test labels
The test labels (see Chapter 24.1) are organized in a loop and
are identical to the test labels of the Setup Mode. If the printer
cannot print a test label, you can fi nd out the cause by pressing
the < F5 >/< V > key. The fi rmware will check the following
conditions and report the fi rst found error in the display:
- Paper low
- Head lifted
- End of thermal transfer ribbon (EO TTR)
- Label not taken (only if label-taken sensor is fi tted)
- Last label
- High thermal printhead voltage
After the error is cleared and a new printfeed has been executed,
next error will be reported. When no more error is found, the
printer will report “All systems: Go!” and you can proceed
printing the test labels.
• Adjustment of the Label Stop Sensor (LSS)
The adjustment procedure is the same as in the Setup Mode.
Please refer to the Installation & Operation manual.
• Reading the printhead resistance value
The resistance is automatically measured by the software at
each startup.
• Communication
This options allows leaving the Test Mode while resetting
the standard I/O channel to "uart1:" and the communication
parameters to their default values. All startup (autoexec) fi les in
all different parts of the printer’s memory, incl. memory cards,
will be bypassed and the printer will enter the immediate mode
of Intermec Fingerprint.
This feature is useful if you need to communicate with a printer
with an unknown communication setup or with a startup pro-
gram you cannot break.
This chapter also applies to an EasyCoder
501 S fi tted with a Service GAL and a
Service Keyboard.
Default Communication Setup
Baudrate................................: 9600
Parity .....................................: None
Char. length ...........................: 7
Stop bits ................................: 2
RTS/CTS ...............................: disabled
ENQ/ACK ..............................: disabled
XON/XOFF, data fr. host........: enabled
XON/XOFF, data to host........: enabled
New Line ...............................: CR/LF