CPU Type / CPU Speed
Displays the processor type and speed.
System Memory
Displays the amount of conventional memory detected by your computer during startup.
Extended Memory
Displays the amount of extended memory detected by the computer during startup.
Advanced Menu
Select Advanced from the menu bar to display the Advanced menu.
Phoenix BIOS Setup Utility
Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit
Item Specific Help
Setup Warning
Setting items on this menu to incorrect values may cause
Your system to malfunction.
Insatalled O/S: [Win 98 / Win NT 5.0]
Reset Congifuration Data: [No]
Lange Disk Access Mode: [DOS]
+ Keyboard Features
+ PCI configuration
+ Cache Memory
+ I/O Configuration
+ Advanced Chipset Control
Select the operating
system installed
on your system which
you will use most
Note: An incorrect
setting can cause
some operating
systems to display
unexpected behavior.
F1 Help
Select Item
/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults
Esc Exit
Select Menu Enter Submenu F10 Save and Exit
Installed O/S
Selects the operating system installed on your computer which you will use most often.
An incorrect setting can cause some operating systems to display unexpected behavior.