Interface Inc. ● 7401 East Butherus Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 USA ● Phone 480.948.5555
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● ORDER TOLL-FREE 800.947.5598
Using the Software
Launch software after the DIG-USB-F (FSU) Toolkit software and hardware drivers are successfully installed.
Note only one DIG-USB-F module at a time can be connected to PC
Upon software launch, the DIG-USB-F module is automatically detected, and the ‘Information’
page is
If the DIG-USB-F module is not detected the Home
page will be displayed; either wait until the DIG-USB-F
module is connected, or press the Detect button which will start the detection process.
After successfully connecting the DIG-USB-F module, The ‘Review’
page will become available; this page will
display previously saved data.
Recording occurs continuously in the background while on or navigating any of the following pages:
, Review
, Scope
, and FFT
Recording stops when switching to any of the other pages:
, Information
, Save & Restore
, Lock
, and Calibration