Interface Inc. ● 7401 East Butherus Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 USA ● Phone 480.948.5555
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Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 introduces the DIG-USB-F module; describing main features, functions, and premise of product.
The DIG-USB-F module is a digital interface that connects strain bridge sensors to the PC via USB. DIG-USB-F
modules are part of a digital interface family that comprises of several different sensing solutions.
DIG-USB-F modules are compact, high-precision strain gauge converters; converting a strain gauge analog sensor
input to a digital output. DIG-USB-F modules allow high precision measurements to be made and communicated
directly to a PC; designed for applications that require high-speed measurements.
After the DIG-USB-F software and hardware setup is complete, data can start to be extracted, acquired and
manipulated by software, removing the need for amplifiers, filters and or multimeters. Streamlined system setup
becomes connecting the DIG-USB-F module to a PC and a load cell, and launching software.
DIG-USB-F modules are free-standing enclosures and have two inputs; a micro type 'A' USB socket that connects to a
PC and a 9-pin type 'D' socket that connects to load cells that contain strain gauge analog sensors.
LED Status Indication
The DIG-USB-F module indicates status via a red 'HEALTHY' "as so named" LED, found on the face of the DIG-USB-F
In ‘Configuration’ mode, the DIG-USB-F module 'HEALTHY' LED is turned on, red and solid.
In 'Recording' mode "transmitting data," the DIG-USB-F module 'HEALTHY' LED flashes on for .1 second every .5
In 'Troubleshoot' mode "load cell connection issues or integrity of the load cell is in doubt," the DIG-USB-F module
'HEALTHY' LED flashes on for .5 second every .1 seconds.