1.800.737.5386 • www.Inter-Fab.com
Lift Operation
WARNING! Read all operating instructions before operating the lift. Make sure that all individuals using
the lift have read the instructions and have been made aware of all safety precautions.
WARNING! Operate the lift exactly as described in the instructions above. Failure to do so may result in
damage to the lift or personal injury.
WARNING! Do not exceed the maximum lifting capacity of 350 lbs. This may result in damage to the lift or
personal injury.
WARNING! Do not rotate the lift directly into the deck or pool/spa wall. This may result in damage to the
lift or personal injury.
WARNING! Unless operating in an emergency, Lift should not be forced to rotate. This will cause damage
to the rotational components of the lift.
Basic Principals of Lift operation
Activation of the Transmitter (Bottom Button, with a lock on it)
As a safety feature of this transmitter, there is a lockout button that
is just below the four directional arrows. To activate the transmitter
(wake from sleep mode), the lockout button needs to be pushed
and held for a full 2 seconds. If the transmitter is not used within
two minutes after the transmitter has been activated, it will go back
into sleep mode.
Lifting (UP)(
Pressing the (
) button causes the seat to rise. The seat will
continue to rise as long as the button is pressed, or until the lift
reaches its highest extent. Releasing the button at any time during
travel will also cause the lift to stop.
Lowering (DOWN)(
Pressing the (
) button causes the seat to lower. The seat will continue to lower as long as the button is
pressed, or until the lift reaches its lowest extent. Releasing the button at any time during travel will also cause
the lift to stop.
Rotation (CLOCKWISE)(
Pressing the (
) button causes the lift to rotate clockwise. The lift will continue to rotate in this direction as long
as the button is pressed. Releasing the button at any time during rotation will stop the lift from rotating.
Pressing the (
) button causes the lift to rotate counterclockwise. The lift will continue to rotate in this direction
as long as the button is pressed. Releasing the button at any time during rotation will stop the lift from rotating.
*Note: If the lift is overloaded at the seat, a clutch in the actuator will ratchet, this will be evident by a
very noticeable clanking noise and the lift will shake but not move. After weight is taken off of the seat,
the lift will resume normal operation. If this happens check the lift and pivots for structural damage
before resuming a safe lifting procedure at or under the 350# working load limit.