On this page, you can monitor the sent & received packets counters of
wireless, Ethernet LAN, and Ethernet WAN. To see the latest report, click
refresh button.
Upgrade Firmware
To Upgrade Firmware,
Click “browse…” button to select the firmware you
want to upgrade.
Click Upload to start the upgrade process. Please
don’t close the WEB-browser and wait for process
to complete. When Upgrade is completed, you
can start to use the router.
Save and Reload
To save setting to file, click “Save...” button.
To load setting from file,
1. Click “Browse…” on the to select the file
2. Click upload to start the process and wait for it to complete
To reset setting to Default, click reset to start the process and it will be
completed till the status LED start blinking.
To set up the Administrator Account information, enter the Username, New
password, and reenter the password on the text box. Don’t forget to click the
“Apply Changes” to save the configuration.