Cedar 880AG Enterprise Dual-Radio AP/Bridge
7 Wireless
This chapter contains information on the following topics:
Configure Wireless Setting
Configure WLAN
Configure Radio 1 and 2
Configure Bridge Link
7.1 Overview
7.1.1 WLAN
Similar to the Virtual LAN concept, WLAN is a way to logically group wireless users
into sub-networks. Each WLAN may implement a different security mechanism and has a
different level of access to the network. The administrator can selectively enable a list of
WLANs on the AP. A wireless user is allowed to access the wireless network by
connecting to an AP which supports his assigned WLAN.
A RADIUS server can be used to enforce WLAN access control. When a wireless user
connects to the AP using a WLAN, he may or may not be authorized to use that WLAN.
During the authentication phase, the RADIUS server not only authenticates the user but
also returns user attributes (e.g. the user’s VLAN ID) to the authenticator (AP). The AP
can subsequently determine whether to allow the user access to the wireless network.
7.1.2 Bridge Link
Bridge Link is a cost effective way to connect Ethernet LANs from difference location
using wireless devices. As described in Chapter 1, bridge link can work in a point-to-
point or point-to-multipoint topology. You can use either topology to support:
Single VLAN network: untagged packets are sent across the wireless bridge link.
Multiple VLANs network: tagged packets are sent across the wireless bridge link.
Figure 7.1 illustrates a point-to-point bridge link topology supporting multiple VLANs