Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS
AC Power Subsystem
Revision 1.0
9. AC Power Subsystem
This chapter defines the features and functionality of the AC-input switching power subsystem.
The AC power supply will not be NEBS hardened, so NEBS certification of an Intel
Grade Server TIGPT1U configured with an AC power subsystem will not be possible.
9.1 Features
250 W output capability in full AC input voltage range
Power good indication LED
Predictive failure warning
Cooling fans with multispeed capability
Remote sense of 3.3 V, 5 V, and 12 Vdc outputs
AC_OK circuitry for brown out protection and recovery
Built-in overloading protection capability
Onboard field replaceable unit (FRU) information
C interface for server management functions
9.2 Chapter Structure and Outline
The information contained in this chapter is organized into three sections. The information is
presented in a modular format, with numbered headings for each major topic and subtopic. The
content of each section is summarized as follows:
Section 9.3: Introduction
Provides an overview of the Intel
TIGPT1U AC-input power subsystem.
Section 9.4: Mechanical Interface
Describes the form factor and connector pin-outs.
Section 9.5: Electrical Requirements
Describes the electrical parameters for the inputs and outputs.
9.3 Introduction
The Intel
Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U uses an AC input switching power subsystem, which
provides up to 250 W DC with 110/220 Voltage of Alternating Current (VAC) input and with
current and remote sense regulation. All power supply connectors, including AC and DC
connectors, accommodate “blind mating.” The power subsystem has four externally enabled
outputs, and one +5 V standby output at 2.0 A. The +5 Vdc standby output is present whenever
110/220 VAC power is applied. The four externally enabled outputs have the following ratings:
Table 9-1. 250 Watt AC-input Power Supply DC Output Ratings
+3.3 V at 16 A
+5 V at 12 A
+12V1 (baseboard) at 16 A with 17 A peak (co12V1 & +12V2 <= 18 A)
+12V2 (peripherals) at 10 A with 22 A peak (co12V1 & +12V2 <= 18 A)
-12 V at 0.5 A
+5VSB at 2.0 A