Intel® Server Board SE7520BD2 Technical Product Specification
BIOS Architecture
Revision 1.3
Intel Confidential
Feature Name
Hardware support for monitoring: Voltages,
Temperature, Fans
BMC will support it.
BIOS Setup will provide options to disable onboard I/O
Peripheral components
(LAN components, Serial ATA, SCSI, etc.). When
disabled, these components are to be completely
removed from the PCI Address space, making them
invisible to any loaded O/S
Must be able to disable embedded
video (ATI RAGE* XL), SCSI (LSI*
53C1030), ICH5-R serial ATA, and
NIC (Intel® 82541PI and Marvell*
“Yukon” 88E8050) controllers.
BIOS Setup will provide options to disable/enable
optional ROMs of onboard devices and PCI slots.
Enable/disable optional ROMs by
BIOS setup.
Ability to store error events in non-volatile space
System stores events via BMC.
Rolling BIOS – stores two versions of the BIOS on the
board – possible to fail over if one bios is corrupted
Support for Spilt Option ROM based on PCI-SIG PCI
Firmware Specification Revision 3.0
On line BIOS update capability: Ability to update BIOS
(or FW) while OS is up. Update takes effect at next
Support for SUP Utility must exist starting at Beta and
through production to allow easy updates of BMC/HSC
1) Ability to update all SW/FW in a single batch
process, with one reboot at the end of the process.
2) Ability to do # 1 after booting to a PXE server where
the BMC+HSC+FRU/SDR+BIOS update files are
3) Ability to do # 1 after booting locally to a floppy
diskette and then mapping to a shared network drive
where the BMC+HSC+FRU/SDR+BIOS update files are
4) Current ability to do # 1 from hard drive, and CD-
ROM drive needs to be maintained.
Active thermal management to minimize noise at the
system level. Should adhere to the acoustic section of
the Blue Angel specification
Supported via BMC
Factory Automation support required. This includes the
ability to upgrade/update FW, BIOS, CMOS settings,
OEM splash screen image, FRU/SDR and HSC code
remotely (over a LAN) using automated tools in a
volume production environment.
Ability to detect parity/system errors on all PCI buses
Ability to detect single/multiple bit error
Support for Sleep button
Support for clear password by jumper
Support for clear CMOS by jumper
Support for IPMI 2.0/1.5
Mini BMC (1.5 compliant) or server
module card (Intel Sahalee(2.0
Support for Intel diagnostic LEDs
Support for serial console redirection