Regulatory Compliance and Battery Disposal Information
Portuguese Este produto cumpre com as normas da Diretiva Européia 2004/108/EC,
2006/95/EC & 2002/95/EC.
Español Este producto cumple con las normas del Directivo Europeo 2004/108/EC,
2006/95/EC & 2002/95/EC.
Slovensky Tento produkt je v súlade s ustanoveniami európskych direktív
2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC a 2002/95/EC.
Slovenščina Izdelek je skladen z določbami evropskih direktiv 2004/108/EC,
2006/95/EC in 2002/95/EC.
Svenska Denna produkt har tillverkats i enlighet med EG-direktiv 2004/108/EC,
2006/95/EC & 2002/95/EC.
Bu ürün, Avrupa Birliği’nin 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC ve 2002/95/EC
yönergelerine uyar.
Product Ecology Statements
The following information is provided to address worldwide product ecology concerns
and regulations.
Disposal Considerations
This product contains the following materials that may be regulated upon disposal:
printed wiring board assembly and lithium battery.