Intel Desktop Board D945GCPE Technical Product Specification
Wake from USB
USB bus activity wakes the computer from ACPI S1 or S3 states.
Wake from USB requires the use of a USB peripheral that supports Wake from USB.
Wake from PS/2 Devices
PS/2 device activity wakes the computer from an ACPI S1 or S3 state.
PME# Signal Wake-up Support
When the PME# signal on the PCI Conventional bus is asserted, the computer wakes
from an ACPI S1, S3, S4 (LAN only), or S5 (LAN only) state (with Wake on PME
enabled in BIOS).
+5 V Standby Power Indicator LED
The +5 V standby power indicator LED shows that power is still present even when the
computer appears to be off. Figure 6 shows the location of the standby power
indicator LED.
If AC power has been switched off and the standby power indicator is still lit,
disconnect the power cord before installing or removing any devices connected to the
board. Failure to do so could damage the board and any attached devices.
Figure 6. Location of the Standby Power Indicator LED