User Manual IN-2901 - Page 22
3.3.2. Submenu “ADSL”
Your camera can be connected directly to a DSL Modem in order to dial in the internet.
Therefor you have to fill in the username and password of your internet connection. After
this the camera needs to be connected with the DSL-Modem. Now please restart the
camera in order to make sure it connects to the Internet.
3.3.3. Submenu “UPnP”
If your router supports this function you can activate it in your camera. This will allow
your router to automatically set the Port forwarding in order to access the camera over
the Internet.
In the
Menu “System”
you can check the UpnP status of your camera.
Note: If your router does not support UPnP, you have to set up the port forwarding in your
router manually in order to access the camera over the Internet.