Dear users of Inspur server,
Sincerely thank you for using Inspur server.
This manual introduces the technical characteristics, system installation and setup of the
server, and helps you to particularly understand and expediently use this server.
Please deliver the package of our product to the waste recycling station, in favor of pollution
prevention and benefiting humankind.
This manual is the property of Inspur.
This User Manual is not to be copied by any group or person in any manner without the
consent of Inspur. Inspur reserves the right of revising this manual momentarily.
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
Please contact Inspur, if you have any questions or advice about this manual.
December, 2015
is the registered trademark of Inspur. All the other trademarks or
registered trademarks mentioned in this manual are the property of their respective holders.