Step 5.
Cook up your favorite meal!
Download the Tappecue app from either Google Play or iTunes
App Store. Login in with the Account login and password from Step 2. Click “Start New Session”. Fill
out the information needed and then click the arrow in top right/ next button. Repeat this until you have
successfully started a new session, this will take you back to the home screen. Click “View Current
Session” and go to “Quick Temperature View”. It may take up to two minutes for the first temperature
update to be received. After the initial signal is received you will receive new temperature updates
approximately every 30 seconds.
Step 6.
Power Saving Option.
The battery will last 14 hours when fully charged. We recommend
charging it before you use it. There is an option to turn off the display after 10 seconds of non-use that
will extend the battery to over 20 hour called Power Save in the settings of the Tappecue. You can
enable this to extend your battery life for a cooking session. A touch of the screen will turn the screen on
for a quick view. You can always disable the Power Save at any time. You can also use the power
charging cord for unlimited power times during a cook instead of using the battery.
Account Information
*Privacy Policy
We are collecting your email address and physical address for communications between the company (Innovating Solutions LLC- Makers of Tappecue) and
you to give you upcoming information about firmware updates, new software functionality, new accessories, and other communications pertaining to Tappecue.
This information may be used in the mailing newsletter software of our choice (MailChimp, constant contacts, etc) but will not be given or sold to another third
party for any use except for our use in communicating to you about Tappecue. At any time, you may opt out of the newsletters as they are sent to you with an
unsubscribe button.
Downloading the Tappecue Mobile Application
iOS devices
If you are using an iPhone, iPod Touch, iPAD you will be able to download the app from the App Store for free.
Please remember that you will be required to have the software version iOS 6.0 or above to be able to use the