Tappecue Loses Connectivity
Tappecue may temporarily lose connection to your router. Most likely you won’t notice and the Tappecue will
re-connect on its own. If you receive an alert on your phone, then you will have to manually unplug and plug the
Tappecue back in.
Checking the Security Type of My Router
When you are unsure of the security type of your router you may easily check by looking into the properties of
your router. You will be able to do this by going into your Network and Sharing Center located in your Control
Panel. Once you are in the Network and Sharing Center find the task Connect to a Network and click on that. You
will then see a list view of the routers near you. Find your router and right-click on it. Scroll down to properties
and select it. You should then see the Security Type of your router. IMPORTANT: Do not change the security
type here.
Tappecue to Router Connectivity
Due to various kinds of traffic, based on the daily use of internet in the house, there can be a considerable
amount of congestion on the Home Wi-Fi network i.e. streaming online movies, downloading songs/games and the
normal internet browsing at the same time on different devices. Only opening a website sometimes has a rich
media downloaded on your machine, like the advertisements, photos, videos, interactive forms, etc.
Now we are aware that any multimedia traffic, as in videos, voice calls, or any time sensitive data will have
higher priority over any plain information (not time sensitive). In short, a plain file transfer (Tappecue temperature
readings) gets less priority than an on-going voice call on IP network (Skype, Viber, etc) or a video being streamed
(Netflix, YouTube, etc) in real time. So, we may have our Temperature data stay in the longer queues on the
router, just waiting to get a chance after the higher priority traffic is serviced. Once the time out happens, some
very old packets are actually discarded by the switch/router, so that the new traffic gets more space.