INNO-A20 User’s Guide
INNOSTREAM Confidential
5.2 Making a second call
You can make a second call whilst you are in a call.
1. Enter the second phone number or fetch it up via Phonebook option.
2. Press [SEND]. The first call is automatically put on hold if the second call is made.
< Connecting the first participant with another participant>
If you press [Transfer soft key] whilst the second call is being made, the function allows you to
make two participants connect, and then allows you to leave the conversation by itself.
Thereafter, two participants are connected to each other.
5.3 Swapping between active calls and held calls
You can swap calls whilst there are active calls and held calls on conversation.
Press [Swap soft key], or select the Swap option in the Option menu if muted.
The current active calls are placed on hold and the held calls are reactivated.
5.4 Answering a second incoming call
You will be notified of an incoming call whilst you are in a call. Call waiting tone sounds in the
earpiece, and the display will show that a second call is waiting. This feature, known as Call
Waiting, is only available if the network supports it and if you have set the Call Waiting menu to
For details of how to activate and deactivate it, please see Call Waiting menu in Section 9.
You can answer the second incoming call by pressing [Answer soft key] or [SEND].
The first active call is automatically put on hold, and then the incoming call is active.
If the incoming call is coming whilst you already have active calls and held calls, the following
options are available by pressing [Option soft key] or [SEND].
End Active Call : makes active calls end and answer the incoming call.
End Held Call : makes held calls end and answer the incoming call.
You can reject the second incoming call during a call without answering it by pressing [Reject
soft key] or [END].
5.5 Adjusting the earpiece volume
During a call, you can adjust the earpiece volume.
To increase the volume, press [VOLUME-UP] or [NAVI-UP].
To decrease the volume, press [VOLUME-DOWN] or [NAVI-DOWN].
5.6 Muting the microphone
You can mute the microphone during a call by selecting the Mute option so that the other party
cannot hear you.
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