LCD Terminal Keypads User Manual.
Named Action Control.
Named Actions are outputs or other entities that can be controlled automatically and/or
at an LCD Terminal. Typical applications include lighting, heating, pumps, speaker
switching, irrigation, etc. Control options depend on the type of entity. Operations for
an Auxiliary Output are shown in the example below. NOTE: Some Named Actions
may be limited to control by particular Users via the Control Menu after logging on.
Pess the <RIGHT> arrow key.
The display shows the name of the first Named
To select another Named Action, use the <UP>
and <DOWN> Arrow keys.
Area Status.
Press the <UP> or <DOWN> arrow key.
Area Array Option.
If Area Array is enabled, the display shows 8
sequential Areas. The letter below each Area number
indicates the current Status.
The number on the bottom left of the display
indicates the first Area shown in the current array.
e.g. 009 = Area 9, 017 = Area 17, etc.
The <UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys will step to
the previous 8 Areas or next 8 Areas respectively.
Text Array Option.
If Area Text is enabled, the display shows the status
of the Area associated with the Terminal in text form.
The <UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys will step to
the previous Area or next Area respectively.
Press <END> when finished.