Doc ID: 900434-001
March 2018
This chapter descripes how the Incubator devices need to be set up, to be operated by a
computer throug the USB interface.
The setting of parameters and the operation of the incubator devices is only possible
through the USB interface.
Consult the document „Firmware Command Set“ which can be downloaded from the
login section on INHECO' website
for more information about the
software integration of the incubator devices or contact your workstation provider.
The Incubator should be used exclusively by laboratory professionals trained in
laboratory techniques with labautomation systems and having studied the instructions
for use of this instrument incl. documents from workstation provider.
Typical Process Example for integration in robotic systems
All Incubator devices should be used integrated in to a robotic systems. Please contact
the supplier of your robotic system to discuss the integration routine.
A typical cycle for a process could contain the following steps:
Scan COM Ports (mandatory)
- Find device and floor ID of connected devices (mandatory)
Check the number of drawer cycles and the firmware versions of all devices
- Initialize all devices (mandatory)
Open doors simultaneous or sequential
- Insert the Labware
- Set target temperature for each Incubator
- Set heater offset according to the used type of micro plate
- Set frequencies, amplitudes and phase shift for all devices (only for shaker)
Close the doors
- Start shaking (only for shaker)
- Start heating
Check cyclic temperatures, frequencies, amplitudes and the error flags (only for
Optional change target temperature
Optional restart heating
Optional change frequencies etc. (only for shaker)
Optional restart shaking (only for shaker)
- Stop shaking (only for shaker)
- Stop heating
Open all doors
All commands for the integration of the Incubator devices are described in the document
“Incubator FCS /Document NR: 900334-XXX”.