Chapter 2
– Specifications
– Installation manual
Max. motor speed
Adjustable from 100 rpm to 25.000 rpm
Resolver input
Position conversion: 65536 ppr (16 bit)
Excitation frequency: 8 kHz
Transformation ratio: 0.3 to 0.5
(other available values are factory set)
Encoder input
Selectable by software:
Quadrature signals A & B with Z marker pulse
RS 422 line receiver
Maximum pulse frequency: 1 MHz
Resolution: 500 to 10
Incremental Sin/Cos encoder
Heidenhain 1Vcc Sin/Cos type or compliant
Maximum signal frequency: 200 kHz
Resolution: 500 to 10
Interpolation factor: 1024
Absolute single-turn Sin/Cos encoder
Heidenhain ERN 1085 or compliant
Maximum signal frequency: 200 kHz
Resolution: 2048 or 512 ppr
Interpolation factor: 1024
Hall sensors input
Selectable by software: 120° or 60° HES type
5 V or 12 V supply voltage
HES sequence error detection
Encoder position output
A and B channels in quadrature
Z marker pulse: 1 per motor revolution
RS-422 line driver
Programmable resolution from 64 ppr to 16384 ppr
Arc minute accuracy = (8 + 5400/Resolution)
Logic inputs
- Enable / Disable: ENABLE
- Limit : FC+
- Limit switch -: FC-
- Homing input: INDEX
- Reset of a stored fault: RESET
- Sequence start: START
- Sequence stop: STOP
- Programmable inputs : IN1 to IN6
Logic outputs
- Sequence in progress: SEQ
- Position reached: POS
- Speed reached :SPEED
- Programmable outputs : OUT1 to OUT4
Analog input
+/-10 V resolution 14 bit (1 reconfigurable logic output)
On-the-fly speed limitation
Polarity selectable by software:
- no limitation for 0 Volt
- no limitation for 10 Volt
Analog output
+/-10 V resolution 8 bit (1 reconfigurable logic output)
Load: 10 mA, linearity: 2 %, low pass filter: 170 Hz
Programmable output signal: Channel 1 of the digital
oscilloscope (current, speed or position) or Phasing OK
output (from 0 V to 10 V when the motor phasing is OK
for an incremental encoder without HES)
Relay outputs
Relay contact: Umax = 50 V
Imax = 100 mA, Pmax = 10 W
"Amp ready": Closed if drive OK, open if fault