Chapter 3 – Device Profile
CD1-k – CANopen Communication Profile
The specific bits of the control word (object 6040) used in electronic gearing mode are described below:
Bit Function
Enable motor gearing
Start offset profile
6 reserved
The specific bits of the status word (object 6041) used in electronic gearing mode are described below:
Bit Function
Motor gearing OK
13 reserved
When the amplifier is switched on with the electronic gearing mode selected, Motor gearing control is disabled. In
this case, the second sensor displacement is not measured and the motor is enabled at standstill.
When bit 4 of the control word (Enable motor gearing) is set at 1, the motor starts following the second sensor
If the second sensor is moving when bit 4 of the control word (Enable pulse following) is set at 1, the motor speed
is ramping according to the ramp function (object 604F). When the motor speed value corresponds to the second
sensor velocity, bit 12 of the status word (Motor gearing OK) is set at 1. At this moment, the motor position is
locked in phase and frequency with the second sensor position.
When the bit 4 of the control word (Enable motor gearing) is set at 0 while the motor is running, the motor speed is
ramping to 0 according to the ramp function (object 604F). Bit 12 of the status word (Motor gearing OK) is set at 0
as soon has the motor starts braking.
When the motor gearing is enabled, a position offset value can be added to the second sensor position value. In
this case, the motor displacement of the position offset value will be triggered by a rising edge of bit 5 of the
control word (Start offset profile). The total motor displacement during the position offset profile execution is equal
to the second sensor displacement plus the position offset value as shown below.
The motor displacement direction with regard to the second sensor direction can be configured by using bit 5 of
the Polarity parameter (object 607E).
For an electronic gearing application with an encoder type of sensor on the master axis, the Revolution
increments value (object 608F sub-index 1) is calculated as follows:
Revolution increments = 4 x number of encoder pulses for one master encoder shaft revolution x second sensor
scaling factor (object 306C) / Gearing ratio
Gearing ratio = Motor shaft speed / Master encoder shaft speed
For an electronic gearing application with a resolver sensor type on the master axis, the Position resolution
parameter value is calculated as follows :
Position resolution = 65536 x second sensor scaling factor (object 306C) / Gearing ratio
Gearing ratio = Motor shaft speed / Master resolver shaft speed
The position offset value is entered in the object 607A. The profile velocity is defined by the object 6081, the
profile acceleration is defined by the object 6083 and the profile deceleration is defined by the object 6084. The
profile type can also be selected by the object 6086.
Second sensor speed
Motor speed
Position offset
Position offset value > 0
Position offset
Position offset value < 0