Introduction to Digital Power Conversion
XMC4000/1000 Family
PWM Generation
Application Guide
V1.0, 2015-01
Adding High Resolution Channel (HRC)
There are devices in the XMC family series offering High Resolution Channel (HRC) Generation.
The High Resolution PWM (HRPWM) can be used with the CC8 slices and the CSG (Comparator and
Slope Generator). The output pins are with or without HRPWM.
Figure 28
High Resolution Channel (HRC) Add-on Principle
Each one of the High Resolution channels is capable of addressing up to 2 complementary MOSFET
switches, and Set/Clear may be mapped to different sources.
Flexible Set / Clear Switch in Runtime
Any combination of the four CC8y slices and the three CSGs units may act as the Set/Clear source
pair, with individual event profile conditions. The set/clear setup may be changed as required during
The enhanced PWM resolution is performed by insertion that shortens or lengthens the original pulse
width of the CCU8 slice output pulse stepwise, in lengths of 150 ps within the LSB.
Performance example: The HRPWM offers a resolution of 10-bit up to 5 MHz PWM.