The liquid circuit lead the
refrigerant from the condenser
to the capillary tube through a
dehydrated filter.
When the refrigerant in liquid state
goes through the capillary tube
lose gradually a part of pressure
and a part of temperature.
Then it reachs and enter in the coil
evaporator. Water in contact with
the cooled walls of the evaporator
give heat to the refrigerant that
flow inside the coil, making its
evaporation and the consequent
change of liquid state into steam.
The regrigerant in steam state after
going through the accumulator it is
suck in again in the compressor
trhough the aspiration line.
NOTE: The interruption of the beam between the sensors is inmediately
showed by the switch off of the RED LIGHT located in the electronic board.
Afther the interrumption of the beam of light during 6 seconds, the unit stops
and the YELLOW LIGHT switch on. The 6 seconds of delay protect the unit
of unnecessary stops due to the eventual interruption of the beam of light,
that can be produced for the fall of the ice through the pipe.
When the ice is taken out of the store cabin and the outlet pipe get free, the
beam of light between the two sensors is inmediately reestablished and the
RED LIGHT is switch on in the centre of the board. After 6 seconds the unit
start up again, the YELLOW LIGHT of full cabin switch off and after 2-3
seconds the ice fall again through the pipe.
The refrigerant in gaseous state and high temperature it is pumped from the
compressor, going through the condenser and it is transformed in regrigerant
in liquid state.
The pressure of push of the refrigerant system (high pressure) it is mantained
between the previously establish values (8/9 bar for MF 22 and 17/18 bar for
MF30, MF 41, MF 51 Y MF 61) through the temperature sensor of the
condenser that has the probe located inside the sheet of the condenser, in the
air cooled models.
This sensor notice the increase of temperature in the condenser above the
established limit, change its electric resistance and send low tension electricity
to the MICROPROCESSOR of the electronic board that supply through a triac
the fan motor in intermittend way ON – OFF.
Summary of Contents for MF 22
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