Water Quality
9500 Operator’s Manual
0095110 rev. 007 01/09
General Description of the Mp troll
Your new Multi-Parameter TROLL 9500 water quality probe uses
the latest sensor and electronics technology to provide a robust,
durable, and user-friendly instrument.
The MP TROLL 9500 logs data from up to 7 water-level and
water-quality sensors, as well as built-in temperature and baro-
metric pressure sensors. Many custom options and versions are
available, so your instrument may not look exactly like those we
have chosen to illustrate in this manual.
The MP TROLL 9500 provides the convenience of a labora-
tory-quality measurement instrument for field use, providing true
in-situ monitoring of water level and water quality.
how to Use this ManUal
This operator’s manual is designed as both a start-up guide and
a permanent reference for the features, uses, and applications of
the Multi-Parameter TROLL 9500.
Section 1: Introduction to this Operator’s Manual and to In-Situ
Inc.; contacting us for warranty and repair issues
Section 2: Description of components and features of the Multi-
Parameter TROLL 9500
Section 3: Getting Started: setting up the software, connecting
for the first time, Quick-Calibrating the sensors, and a summary
overview of the setup to start collecting data
Section 4: Control Software: Win-Situ
4 and Pocket-Situ 4
Section 5: Profiling
Section 6: How to set up tests and start logging data; extracting
data to your PC; viewing and graphing data
1 introDUction
Section 7: Monitoring Pressure (Water Level): Info on the two basic
types of pressure sensors; setting up the pressure channel to obtain
the most accurate readings for your altitude and latitude; how to
display data as you wish to see it
Section 8: Temperature
Section 9: Barometric Pressure
Section 10: An overview of monitoring water quality with the MP
TROLL 9500: Sensor installation and calibration, software options,
calibration reports
Section 11: pH
Section 12: Conductivity
Section 13: Dissolved Oxygen: Polarographic (Clark cell)
Optical Dissolved Oxygen
Section 14: Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP)
Section 15: Ammonium
Section 16: Chloride
Section 17: Nitrate
Section 18: Turbidity
Section 19: SDI-12 Operation
Section 20: Low-Flow Monitoring
Section 21: Care and Maintenance advice
Section 22: Troubleshooting: Look here first if you have problems
making connections or calibrating . . .
The manual includes a Glossary and a comprehensive Index