0095110 rev. 007 01/09
Operator’s Manual
QUick-cal the basic water-QUality sensors
You will need:
• MP TROLL 9500 with Basic sensors installed (pH or pH/ORP,
polarographic D.O., Conductivity), plugs in any unused ports.
• Cal Cup. Remove sponge if present.
• Quick Cal solution, at room temperature. Shake well
before use.
1. Fill the Cal Cup with the Quick Cal solution. See guide-
lines in the sidebar on this page.
2. Remove the restrictor (if attached) and insert the front
end of the MP TROLL 9500 into the Cal Cup. Thread
the Cal Cup onto the body until seated against the o-
ring, then back off slightly to avoid overtightening.
3. Connect the MP TROLL 9500 to a PC and establish a
connection in Win-Situ 4 or Pocket-Situ 4.
4. Select the MP TROLL 9500 in the Navigation tree. The software
will automatically detect and display the installed sensors.
5. In the Navigation tree, click on Parameters.
6. In the Information pane, select
Section 3: GettinG Started
Quick-Cal tips
• A Quick Cal is the fastest way to cali brate pH, conductivity, polaro
graphic D.O., & ORP. But for best results, if your software supports it,
we recommend traditional calibration for pH, conductivity, and D.O., as
described in Sections 11-13.
Be sure to condition a new polarographic D.O. sensor for 2-4 hours,
preferably overnight, before cal i brat ing. See Section 13 for information.
If the sensor is installed when you receive the instrument, it is condi-
tioned and ready to calibrate.
• Guidelines for filling the Cal Cup with Quick Cal solution:
• With a full complement of sensors installed, use the lower line as a
guide (about half full).
• With 1 or 2 sensors installed, fill to the upper line.
• When calibrating a high-range conductivity sensor, insure the side
ports are immersed in solution. Dislodge any bubbles that may
appear. For a Quick Cal with a full set of sensors, we suggest you fill
the Cal Cup above the line labeled “Recommended Fill Line - High.”
Use about a half-inch of additional fluid, depending on the sensor
load. Some experimentation may be needed.
• When Quick-Calibrating polarographic D.O. with a high-range conduc
tivity sensor installed, the increased fill level suggests handling with
care when you invert the Cal Cup at step 11—allow the excess fluid to
spill into a sink, or remove the Cal Cup from the instrument and pour
some fluid out, re-attach the Cal Cup, then invert it and loosen the end
cap to achieve the correct atmospheric pressure for a polarographic
D.O. calibration. The D.O. sensor membrane should be in air, the
temperature sensor should be completely submerged.
• For best accuracy, conductivity sensors should be wetted for 15-30
minutes immediately prior to calibration. This immersion can be in either
clean water or the Quick Cal solution.
• For best results at temperatures at or below 15°C, de-select the con
ductivity sensor when perfoming a Quick-Cal; follow up with a single-
parameter calibration uisng 8000 microSiemens/cm.
If an RDO Optical Dissolved Oxygen sensor is installed, use the special
soft plastic cal insert (it has an orange base) to Quick Cal the standard
sensors, since the standard Cal Cup will not fit when the RDO sensor
is installed. Fill the cal insert with calibration solution, slide it up around
the sensors, including the RDO cable, and use the RDO restrictor as a
support during calibration.
If your MP TROLL 9500 includes a turbidity wiper, insure the pad does
not absorb Quick Cal solution.
carefully remove the wiper head
(see Wiper Maintenance in Section 18),
soak the front end of the
TROLL in water before calibrating; allow the pad to become saturated.
• Quick Cal is not available for these sensors: Nitrate, Ammonium, Chlo
ride, Turbidity, Optical D.O. Traditional calibrations should be performed
for best results from these sensors.