0095110 rev. 007 01/09
Operator’s Manual
Choosing measurement units and other PreFerenCes
Preferences can be set at any time, and are saved with the site. A
connection to the instrument is not required.
User-selectable preferences include:
• Parameter measurement units & elapsed time units
• Data file view—report or graph
• Calendar date & time of day format
• Metric or English units for the Flow-Sense Wizard
The following Settings Options are also available:
• Start the application in Profiler mode
• Specify desired Profiling rate
• Re-display the “Don’t Ask Again” dialogs
To display the Preferences window, do one of the following:
• In Win-Situ, select Preferences from the Options menu.
• In Pocket-Situ:
a. Tap the Home site in the Navi-
gation tree...
b. then tap
in the com-
mand bar.
Default units are used for the display of data unless you specify other
preferences. To set unit preferences, first display the Preferences
window as above.
1. Select the Units tab.
2. In the top of the Units window, select a parameter whose unit you
wish to change.
3. In the bottom of the window, select the unit you want for the high-
lighted measurement. Repeat for as many units as you like.
4. Do one of the following:
• Click
to apply the new units and close the window.
• Click the Settings tab to change other settings.
other Preferences
To change other aspects of Win-Situ/Pocket-Situ operation, first
display the Preferences window as above.
1. Click the Settings tab.
2. Select the options you want:
• Start application in Profiler mode. This will take effect at your
next session.
Expand Devices on Find. This will take effect the next time you
click “Find.” The software will automatically display all nodes in
the device tree without any further action from you.
• Set desired Profiling rate—the Profiler default rate is 2 seconds,
but you may select any rate from 2 to 60 seconds.
• Re-display the “Don’t Ask Again” dialogs. This appears if you
have selected “Don’t ask me this again” in any WIn-Situ or
Pocket-Situ dialog boxes.
Boxcar filtering is no longer available.
3. Select
to close the window and apply the settings.
TIP: Preferences are saved with the site (on the PC), not in
the device.
Section 4: control SoFtware