Sensor Office (OL) and no longer
communicating with the instrument
1.) Remove sensor and check for water
in the connection port. Dry sensor and
sonde connector. Reinstall sensors. 2.)
Remove two sensors and reinstall in
separate port. 3.) Call (800-446-7488)
or contact In-Situ Technical Support
Wiper Error - wiper is not turning
correctly or interfering with sensor
1.) Inspect wiper to ensure surface is
free of debris and the wiper is spinning
correctly. 2.) Remove wiper brush and
install a new brush holder with new
brushes. 3.) Remove the wiper and check
for water in the connection port. Dry the
wiper port and the sonde connector.
Reinstall wiper. 3.) Call (800-446-7488) or
contact In-Situ Technical Support
Sensor is performing outside of expected
1.) Make sure the sensor is submerged
in solution. 2.) Recalibrate sensor in a
fresh batch of calibration standard. 3.)
Reset sensor back to factory defaults and
check reading in a calibration standard.
Recalibrate. 4.) Call (800-446-7488)
or contact In-Situ Technical Support
Sensor is not set up correctly, being used
outside of temperature or sensor range
or returning a sentinel value due to
internal malfunction or damage
1.) Verify that the RDO sensor cap is
installed, the sensing foil is intact and the
cap has not expired. 2.)Clean the surface
of the sensor to remove any excess
debris 3.) Verify that the instrument and
sensors are not being used outside of
temperature or sensor specifications. 4.)
Verify that the sensor is not physically
damaged 5.) Call (800-446-7488) or
contact In-Situ Technical Support