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Append to
Allows the user to choose the format of the text
filename to be created. Every time a recording file
is created, the filename suffix will automatically be
updated ( for the ‘Date and Time’ option ) or
incremented ( for the ‘N Digit Number’ option ).
Date and Time
This option will create files named as
YYYYMMDDhhmmssnnn where:
Y - year (4 digits)
M - month (2 digits)
D - day (2 digits)
h - hour (2 digits)
m - minute (2 digits)
s - second (2 digits)
n - millisecond (3 digits)
‘N’ Digit Number
This option will create numerically named
files. The filename starts at 0 and is
incremented by one after each frame is
captured. If the number of frames captured
exceeds the number of digits selected then
the filename will continue to increment.
For example:
If ‘2 Digit Number’ is selected then the files
will be named as:
‘00.bmp’, ‘01.bmp’ … ‘99.bmp’,
‘100.bmp’, ‘101.bmp’, etc.
If ‘4 Digit Number’ is selected then the files
will be named as:
‘0000.bmp’, ‘0001.bmp’ … ‘9999.bmp’,
‘10000.bmp’, ‘10001.bmp’, etc.
Capture event
Allows you to control how often to start capturing
Capture every
Specifies how often, in time, to start
capturing images.
Use this feature to take
snapshots at regular intervals in order to
create a time-lapse series of images. This
option is mutually exclusive with the
‘Continuous’ option.