PPI-105 REV B IMPCO Technologies Inc. April, 2008
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3030 South Susan St.
Santa Ana, CA 92704
When reinstalling the retainer pins, make sure the turned-down end of the pin fits securely in
its receiver hole.
F. LPR/EPR Primary Pressure Test Adapter (F4-4 & F4-8):
F4-4 is a straight adapter for connections where there are no obstructions in front of the LPR/EPR.
F4-8 is a 90
adapter for connections where some obstruction may hinder the use of the straight
adapter. To connect the primary pressure test adapter to the Series II LPR or Series III EPR:
Shut off the LPG tank manual shut-off valve.
Start the engine and let it run until it dies.
Turn off the ignition key.
Remove the Primary Test Port Plug from the LPR/EPR.
Series II LPR
Apply a little Loctite
567 or equivalent thread sealant on the threads of the pressure test
adapter and install it into the LPR/EPR (torque F4-4 to 10 ft-lb, F4-8 to finger tight plus 1 ½