PPI-105 REV B IMPCO Technologies Inc. April, 2008
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3030 South Susan St.
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Clear Password Button
Erases the current password from the password field.
Paste Password Button Allows
the user to copy a 16-character string from any word
processor and paste the string in the password field.
Single Serial Number Access Checkbox
Tells the software that the password is applicable for
single serial number access.
Serial Number Field
Only applicable when Single Serial Number Access Checkbox is checked.
The entry field must be populated for the 6-digit serial number for which the Single Serial
Number Access password applies (NOTE: Leading zeros included in the serial number are not
Save Password and S/N Checkbox
Retains the password, and serial number (if applicable) for
the next software session.
Should an invalid password be entered, the error prompt shown in figure (2) will be
displayed and the software will not load. This prompt signifies the following:
The All S/N password is invalid.
The Single S/N password is incorrect for the Single Serial Number entered.
An All S/N password is entered for Single Serial Number use.
The Single Serial Number password is valid; however, the Single Serial Number Access
Checkbox is not checked.
Figure 2: Password Error Prompt