PPI-105 REV B IMPCO Technologies Inc. April, 2008
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3030 South Susan St.
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Chapter I
ITK-4 Test Kit Contents
ITK-4 Kit and its components
The ITK-4 Test Kit (figure #1) was designed to replace both the ITK-2 and ITK-3 test kits and can be
used on both Spectrum Series II and Series III systems. The ITK-4 Test Kit incorporates a new dongle
(ECOM Cable P/N E2046002) to connect your Diagnostic Scan Tool (DST) to a Series II or Series III
equipped vehicle. The ECOM Cable is equipped with a Spectrum III DLC connector for direct series III
connection. To connect the ECOM Cable to a series II vehicle DLC you will need to use the adapter
cable (E1557400) included in the kit (refer to chapter II for complete instructions). The ECOM Cable is
Controller Area Network (CAN) enabled for high-speed connection to CAN enabled systems.