Shock Prevention
Exposed live conductors or other bare metal in
the welding circuit, or in unearthed, electrically-
LIVE equipment can fatally shock a person
whose body becomes a conductor. DO NOT
surface when welding, without suitable
Protection for Wearers of Pacemakers
Magnetic fields from high currents can affect
pacemaker operation. Persons wearing
electronic life support equipment (pacemaker)
should consult with their doctor before going
near arc welding, gouging, or spot welding
To Prevent Against Shock
Keep body and clothing dry. Never work in
damp area without adequate insulation against
electrical shock. Stay on a dry duckboard, or
rubber mat when dampness or sweat can not
be avoided. Sweat, sea water, or moisture
between body and an electrically LIVE part - or
earthed metal - reduces the body surface
electrical resistance, enabling dangerous and
possibly lethal currents to flow through the
Earthing the Equipment
When arc welding equipment is earthed
according to the National Electrical Code, and
the workpiece is earthed, a voltage may exist
between the electrode and any conducting
Examples of conducting objects include, but are
not limited to, buildings, electrical tools, work
benches, welding power source cases,
workpieces, etc.
Never touch the electrode and any metal object
unless the welding power source is off. When
installing, connect the frames of each unit such
as welding power source, control, work table,
and water circulator to the building earth.
Conductors must be adequate to carry earth
currents safely. Equipment made electrically
LIVE by stray current may shock, possibly
fatally. Do NOT EARTH to electrical conduit, or
to a pipe carrying ANY gas or a flammable liquid
such as oil or fuel.
Electrode Holders
Fully insulated electrode holders should be
used. Do NOT use holders with protruding
screws or with any form of damage.
Fully insulated lock-type connectors should be
used to join welding cable.
Frequently inspect cables for wear, cracks and
damage. IMMEDIATELY REPLACE those with
excessively worn or damaged insulation to avoid
possibly lethal shock from bared cable. Cables
with damaged areas may be taped to give
resistance equivalent to original cable. Keep
cable dry, free of oil and grease, and protected
from hot metal and sparks.
Terminals And Other Exposed Parts
Terminals and other exposed parts of electrical
units should have insulating covers secured
before operation.
Equipment With Output On/Off Control
Welding power sources for use with the gas
metal arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding and
similar processes normally are equipped with
devices that permit on/off control of the welding
power output. When so equipped the electrode
wire becomes electrically LIVE when the power
source switch is ON and welding gun switch is
closed. Never touch the electrode wire or any
conducting object in contact with the electrode
circuit unless the welding power source is off.
Equipment Without Output On/Off Control
(No Contactor)
Welding power sources used with shielded
metal arc welding and similar processes may
not be equipped with welding power output
on/off control devices. With such equipment the
electrode is electrically LIVE when the power
switch is turned ON. Never touch the electrode
unless the welding power source is off.