Adjusting the Flash Power
The flash power output is variable over a five f-stop range from 1/1 (full power)
to 1/16. Turn the power adjustment dial to set the flash brightness that’s perfect
for your exposure.
Triggering the Flash
There are three ways to trigger the flash: pressing the Test button, with a sync
connection, and activating the optical slave.
Test Button
When the recycle indicator is green, trigger the flash by pressing the Test
button. The indicator light will turn red until the battery has recycled.
Triggering the flash is useful when you need to discharge the power built up in
the flash unit, for example just before replacing the flash tube.
Sync Connection
Use the sync jack on the back of the SF-ABRL180 to connect the monolight to
your camera. Triggering the camera will fire the flash.
The sync jack can also be used to attach a wirelesss receiver for remote flash