For 0 to 20mA DC, 0 to 5V DC and 0 to 10V DC inputs, the PV display
indicates the corresponding value with which 0mA or 0V is inputted.
When the thermocouple or RTD input is burnt out, OUT1 and OUT2 are turned off (for DC curren
output type, OUT1 low limit value, OUT2 low limit value) and PV display blinks “
The CPU is monitored by a watchdog timer, and when any abnormal status is found on the
CPU, the controller is switched to warm-up status
[Automatic cold junction temperature compensation] (Only thermocouple input type
This detects the temperature at the connecting terminal between the thermocouple and the instrument
and always keeps it set to the same status as when the reference junction is located at 0 (32 ).
[Power failure countermeasure]
The setting data is backed up in the non-volatile IC memory.
[Warm-up indication]
After the power supply to the instrument is turned on, the sensor input character and temperature
unit are indicated on the PV display and rated scale high limit value is indicated on the SV display
for 3 seconds
For DC current and voltage inputs, the scaling high limit value is indicated
Accessories included
: Screw type mounting bracket 1 set, Instruction manual 1 copy
CT (Current transformer) CTL-6S 1 piece(for rating 5A, 10A, 20A)
CTL-12-S36-10L1 1 piece (for rating 50A)
9.2 Optional specifications
Alarm 2 (A2) (Option code: A2
The output terminals will be common when the options [W] and [LA] are added togethe
: ON/OFF action
Hysteresis : 0.1 to 100.0
( ), or 1 to 1000
: Relay contact 1a
Control capacity, 3A 250V AC (Resistive load)
Electrical life, 100,000 times
Loop break alarm (Option code: LA)
When MV (manipulated variable) is maximum or minimum and when the PV does not change as much
as the preset span within the Loop break alarm assessment time, the alarm is activated.
This also detects the breaking status on the loop such as heater burnout, sensor burnout or actuator
The output terminals will be common if the options [W] and [A2] are applied together.
Setting range : Loop break alarm action time, 0 to 200minutes
Loop break alarm action span, 0 to 150 ( ), 0.0 to 150.0 ( ), 0 to 1500
: Relay contact 1a
Control capacity, 3A 250V AC (Resistive load)
Electrical life, 100,000 times
Heater burnout alarm (including sensor burnout alarm) (Option code: W)
Monitors heater current with CT (current transformer), and detects burnout.
The output terminals will be common if the options [LA] and [A2] are applied with it.
This option cannot be applied to DC current output type.
: 5A [W(5A)], 10A [W(10A)], 20A [W(20A)], 50A [W(50A)] (Must be specified)
Setting range
: 5A [W(5A)], 0.0 to 5.0A (Off when set to 0.0)
10A [W(10A)], 0.0 to 10.0A (Off when set to 0.0)
20A [W(20A)], 0.0 to 20.0A (Off when set to 0.0)
50A [W(50A)], 0.0 to 50.0A (Off when set to 0.0)
Setting accuracy : Within 5% of the rated value
: ON/OFF action
: Relay contact 1a
Control capacity, 3A 250V AC (resistive load)
Electrical life, 100,000 times
Heating/Cooling control (Option code: DT)
The specification of Heating side is the same as that of OUT1.
OUT2 proportional band : 0.0 to 10.0 times OUT1 proportional band (ON/OFF action when set to 0.0)
OUT2 integral time
: The same as that of OUT1.
OUT2 derivative time
: The same as that of OUT1.
OUT2 proportional cycle : 1 to 120 seconds
Overlap band/Dead band setting range:
Thermocouple, RTD inputs: –100.0 to 100.0
( )
DC current, DC voltage inputs: –1000 to 1000 (The placement of the decimal point follows the
Output: Non-contact relay output 0.3A 250V AC
Cooling action mode selection function:
One cooling action can be selected from Air cooling (linear characteristic), Oil cooling (1.5th power o
the linear characteristic) and Water cooling (2nd power of the linear characteristic) by key operation
Serial communication (Option code: C5)
When this option is added, the option [SM] cannot be added with it.
The following operations can be carried out from the external computer.