the Victrix 20 X TT boiler was designed to oper-
ate as an appliance for room central heating only
or, coupled to a specific optional kit, for central
heating and DHW production. For this reason
the boiler control panel has a knob to adjust the
temperature of DHW, but its operation is only
activated by the optional kits that also enable
the production of DHW. Without coupling to
these specific kits, the functioning of this knob
and all functions referring to DHW are inhibited,
apart from the calibration phase and scrolling the
P.C.B. programming menu.
Before ignition make sure the heating system
is filled with water and that the manometer (7)
indicates a pressure of 1
1.2 bar.
- Open the gas cock upstream from the boiler.
- Press the button (6) until the display switches
on. The boiler now returns to the state prior to
- If the boiler is in stand-by, press the button (6)
again to activate it. If this is not the case, go to
the next point.
- Then press the button (3) in sequence and set
the boiler in the summer (
) or winter (
) position.
in this mode the boiler only
works to produce DHW
(when the boiler is
connected to the external storage tank unit)
; the
temperature is set via the selector (1) and the
relative temperature is shown on the display
via the indicator (14).
in this mode, the boiler works to
produce DHW
(when the boiler is connected to
the external storage tank unit)
as well as central
heating. The temperature of the DHW is always
regulated via the selector (1), the heating tem-
perature is regulated via selector (4) and the
relative temperature is shown on the display
via the indicator (14).
From this moment the boiler functions automat-
ically. With no demand for heat (central heating
or domestic hot water production) the boiler
goes to “standby” function, equivalent to the
boiler being powered without presence of flame.
Each time the burner ignites, the relative flame
present symbol is displayed (10) with relative
output scale.
Operation with Comando Amico Remoto
) (Optional)
. If the CAR
is connected,
the (
) symbol will appear on the display.
The boiler regulation parameters can be set via
the CAR
control panel and the reset button
(2) remains active on the boiler control panel,
along with the switch-off button (6) (“off ”
mode only) and the display where the func-
tioning state is shown.
if the boiler is switched “off ” the
will display the connection error symbol
CM”, the CAR
is however powered
constantly so as not to lose the stored programs.
Operation with optional external probe
In the case of a system with optional
external probe, the boiler flow temperature
for room central heating is managed by the
external probe depending on the external
temperature measured (Par. 1.9). The flow
temperature can be modified by selecting the
functioning curve via the selector switch (4)
(or on the CAR
control panel, if connected
to the boiler) selecting a value from “0 to 9”.
With external probe present, the relative
symbol (18) will appear on the display. In the
central heating phase, if the temperature of the
water contained in the system is sufficient to
heat the radiators, the boiler can only function
with the activation of the pump.
“Stand-by” mode.
Press button (6) repeatedly
until the symbol (
) appears. From now on
the boiler remains inactive and the anti-freeze
function, pump anti-block function and 3-way
and signalling of any anomalies is guaranteed.
in these conditions the boiler is still
“Off ” mode.
By holding the button (6) down
for 8 seconds, the display switches-off and the
boiler is off completely. The safety functions are
not guaranteed in this mode.
in these conditions the
boiler is considered still live even if there are
no functions active.
“Automatic vent” mode.
Every time the boiler
is electrically powered, the system automatic
vent function is activated (lasting 8 minutes).
This function is displayed via a countdown
signalled by the indicator (14). During this
period the DHW and CH functions are not
The “automatic vent” can be annulled by press-
ing the “reset” button (2).
Display operation.
The display lights up while
the control panel is being used; after a set in-
activity period, the brightness drops until only
the active symbols are displayed. The lighting
mode can be varied via parameter t8 in the
P.C.B. programming menu.