Software Documentation
Image Engineering
The LED lightHEAD enables you to create individual light types with the built-in iQ-LED technology.
Besides the 10 iQ-LED devices there is an additional fluorescent lamp of type F11 mounted into the
LED lightHEAD by default. This lamp can be switched on and off with button
[5] and its intensity
varied with a slider [6] and a value input field [7]. During a sequence play back this lamp is turned off
in order to attain the selected spectrum and illuminance.
For sequences all illuminants created in the illumination settings panel (
chapter 4.3.3
) are available in
the third column of the sequence list. Add a start and end time to complete one illumination period.
Since switching time bewtween illuminants is very fast periods down to 50 ms are possible.
Underneath the table, information about existing spectral calibration and illuminance adjustment is
displayed [2] (see
chapter 4.3.3
). It is possible to switch the selected illuminants on an off by enabling
this functionality with lamp button [4]. The click on one of the selected illuminants in the list to turn it
The temperatures of the iQ-LED modules have impact on the temporal stability of the selected
spectra. The optimal operating temperature is between 33 and 36 °C, thus the lightHEAD needs
generally be warmed up before usage. In the panel the temperature of the coldest module is displayed
[3]. Click the button to the left of the temperature display to show a more advanced
view. The thermometer is colored blue, if the (coldest) module is below the
working temperature, green in the working range and red, if the temperature
exceeds the working range.To accelerate warm-up click the lamp button to the
right of the thermometer – all iQ-LED modules are switched on with all 22
channels set to 100 % illumination. When the lower temperature threshold is
reached the modules are switched off. Click the thermometer button to the right in
order to view the temperatures of all 10 iQ-LED modules.