(j) Defects to the starter motor, armatures, or field coil assembly determined by
ILMOR to be caused by excessive cranking, condensation or submersion;
(k) Defects due to water entering the ILMOR Products through the intake or exhaust
system or as a result of submersion or lack of cooling resulting from engine starting
outside of the water or with foreign materials blocking intake passages;
(l) Any other damages to ILMOR Products which ILMOR Marine, in its sole discre-
tion, determines are not the result of defects in ILMOR Products material and work-
(m) Damage resulting from running aground;
(n) Damage resulting from sand, debris or any foreign material being drawn into the
water pump and components;
(o) Costs that are related to changing gear ratios
and/or the modification of any other system to
meet altitude requirements or the changing of
sacrificial anodes and/or cooling system content
when transferring vessels between fresh and salt
water operations; and
(p) Travel to or from the product by servicing
dealer or the transportation costs of the product
to and from the servicing dealer; any charges for
towing, haul-out, launch, storage, fuel or lubri-
cant usage, premium freight charges; any exces-
sive time for removal of boat partitions, hatches,
decks to gain necessary service access to engine,
transmission, or other powertrain part or compo-
nent; or, any subsequent expenses resulting from
the loss of the use of the vessel or its components,
loss of income, or inconvenience.
5. Warranty Procedure. Within ten (10) days from the date of purchase by the origi-
nal purchaser of a MasterCraft ski or wakeboard boat containing ILMOR Products, the
purchaser shall be required to (i) complete and mail to ILMOR, an ILMOR Marine War-
ranty Registration Card; or (ii) complete the on-line warranty registration at the ILMOR
Marine web site (www.ILMORmarine.com/warrantyregistration). Warranty claims will
not be processed, and are conditioned upon, registration of the purchase with ILMOR
Marine. If you believe your ILMOR Products fail to perform in accordance with specifi-
cations, have defects in material or workmanship, or are otherwise eligible for coverage
under ILMOR Marine’s warranty, you must contact an authorized MasterCraft Dealer
within thirty (30) days of discovering the alleged defect. Your MasterCraft Dealer will
provide you with the location and contact information of the service facility where you
should take your ILMOR Products for inspection and repair. You are solely responsible
for transporting your ILMOR Products to the designated service facility. The Master-
Craft Dealer may arrange for the necessary inspection and repair to be made on-site, at
ILMOR Marine’s sole discretion.
For questions regarding warranty service or to obtain
2011 ILMOR MV8 Owner’s Manual • Page 50