gine Control Module prior to granting warranty coverage and in determining warranty
eligibility. This warranty shall only apply to ILMOR Products purchased with and installed
in MasterCraft ski and wakeboard boats. In addition, the warranties shall not apply to de-
fects or damages to the ILMOR Products as a result of:
(a) Routine maintenance items, tune ups, adjustments, normal wear and tear, dam-
age caused by abuse, abnormal use, or failure to comply with requirements or speci-
fications with regard to installation, maintenance, startup, break-in, operation and
safety, both at the time of delivery and thereafter;
(b) Neglect, accident, improper installation, improper service, use of an engine
transmission or other powertrain accessory or engine, transmission or other power-
train part not manufactured or sold by ILMOR, operation with fuels, oils, lubricants
or filtration systems which are not suitable for use with the product or alteration or
removal of parts or components;
(c) Use of the ILMOR Products with any product,
component or part incorporated into the ILMOR
Products that is not manufactured by ILMOR or pro-
vided for in ILMOR Product Specifications, including
the use of non-ILMOR specified service parts, unless
such modification or use of parts is requested and ap-
proved in advance by ILMOR in writing;
(d) Engine, transmission or other powertrain repair
or service by a dealer not approved or authorized by
(e) Damage due to abuse, negligence, misuse, mis-
handling, the use of improper, poor quality or con-
taminated fuel or lack of or dilution of lubricants or
fluids or other operating conditions, including caus-
ing excessive wear due to uses for which the products
were not originally designed;
(f) Incidental and consequential damages, including, but not limited to, storage
charges, rental charges, inconvenience, loss of time or use, or loss of income. Some
states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damage,
so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you;
(g) Water pump impellers, water hoses, cooling system anodes or any component
determined by ILMOR to be a result of failure of such items;
(h) Cost of transporting ILMOR Products or the vessel in which such products are
installed to and from designated service facilities for warranty repair and other haul
out, launch or towing charges;
(i) Oils, lubricants, fuels, or fluids used for normal maintenance and shop supplies
such as filtration systems;
2011 ILMOR MV8 Owner’s Manual • Page 49