SNMP Configuration
Figure 2.14 - SNMP Agent window
This window is used to configure the notification of determined traps the SNMP mana-
ger (management station). It has two sections:
Configuration Section :
"MIB" : Click on
to download the MIB of the SNS-101 streamer.
"SNMP Agent" : Tick the box if you want to activate the SNMP agent implemented
in the streamer module.
"SNMP Manager IP" : Enter the IP address of the manager.
"Community" : Enter the desired name for the group formed by the streamers and
power supplies of the present SNS headend, and by the manager.
"Activate CFP-702" : Tick the box in the case the streamer module is linked to a
CFP-702 power supply and you want to integrate this into the management system.
(See Fig. 2.15 on next page).
"Identify CFP-702" : Enter a name for the CFP-702 linked to the present streamer
"Minimum Alarm Duration" : Enter the minimum duration in seconds of an alarm
event so that it be considered as such by the SNMP manager.
"Send Traps Continuously" : Tick the box if you want that to an alarm event the
related trap be sent repeatedly to the manager. If this box is ticked, the two next
ones are disabled.
"Trap Sendings" : Enter the times to an alarm event you want to send the
corresponding trap to the manager.
"Time between Sendings" : It is related to the box before. Enter the time in seconds
between the trap sendings.
"Time Sending Traps with ACK" : It is applicable to traps with ACK enabled. Enter
the maximum time in seconds to an alarm event the trap will be being sent
continuously until having an acknowledgement from the manager.
Click on the
menu on the left of the general programme screen and click
again on the
The SNMP Agent window will appear: